Which Day Is Worse After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Which Day Is Worse After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Jul 01, 2022

Even though it is necessary, no one is ever excited about undergoing tooth extraction. There’s something about losing teeth that breaks the heart. Some might argue that there are tooth replacements these days, but the truth is nothing beats natural teeth. Either way, the wisdom tooth removal process can be necessary to ensure that your oral health returns to its former glory.

The essential thing you need to know about undergoing a tooth extraction in Rancho Cucamonga is aftercare. The wisdom removal process is usually straightforward and pain-free. But what happens after is what might need more care to ensure that your recovery goes well.

But before we unpack the nitty-gritty of what happens after our dentist extracts your wisdom tooth, let’s find out the importance of your wisdom teeth.

The Role of Wisdom Teeth In Your Oral Health

All your teeth are present from birth and higher in your skull structure. Baby or primary teeth emerge at around six months and fall years later. You begin to develop permanent teeth. Your first set of molars will start erupting around six years, and the second set around 12 years.

There’s a brief pause, and then, in adulthood, your last set of teeth emerge; the wisdom teeth. You are presumably wiser when they merge, which is probably why the teeth are known as wisdom teeth. They usually start emerging between 17 and 21 years.

These teeth aid as the third set of molars to help you tear, crush and chew food. Plus, if they grow as they are supposed to, they will help maintain your jawbone and keep the other molars from shifting.

When and Why Our Dentist Recommends the Removal of Wisdom Teeth

It’s important to note that our dentist always desires to save your teeth, not extract them. However, if your dental health is at stake, our dentist has no choice but to recommend a tooth extraction.

Also, our dentist may recommend removing your wisdom teeth if they push against the other teeth or are impacted. Impacted refers to a scenario when your wisdom teeth have not emerged and are stuck under the gums.

These third molars might sometimes grow sideways, increasing the risk of tooth shifting and infection or cavities. In a nutshell, our dentist may recommend the removal of your wisdom teeth if there is any cause for concern.

If wisdom teeth have not erupted correctly or are impacted, they can cause the following issues:

  • Cysts
  • Immense jaw pain
  • Crooked teeth
  • Crowded teeth
  • Increased tooth decay

What Happens During Wisdom Tooth Removal?

The day of the surgery might make you a bit queasy if you have dental anxiety. But there is nothing to worry about. So, our dentist will not commence the procedure without ascertaining that you are comfortable. Therefore, expect to receive local anesthesia to help deal with the pain. Our dentist will ensure that you get a sedative if you have dental anxiety.

Our dentist will proceed by gaining access to the wisdom tooth’s roots after making an incision in the gum. Continues by removing the bone that blocks access to your tooth root. To make extraction easier, our dentist will divide the tooth into sections. Once the division is complete, our dentist will remove those pieces.

Lastly, our dentist will clean the socket and remove any debris. Shortly after, our dentist will place gauze at the extraction site, and you will need to bite down for the first-hour post-extraction.

After surgery, pretend that you don’t have a mouth and leave it alone to allow the clotting process.

It would be best if you strived to follow our dentist’s post-operative instructions, which are designed to ensure that there is less discomfort and complications.

Total healing will depend on your age, overall health, surgical technique, wisdom teeth impaction severity, and commitment to follow home care instructions.

Usually, the first two days after wisdom tooth removal are the worst. On the first day, you will still benefit from the painkillers and sedatives lingering in your bloodstream, so you might not feel as much. But, the second day might be worse, so you need to have painkillers at hand.

This shouldn’t be an issue when you have an excellent support team you can count on when needed. So, call us at Talent Dental if you have any questions.

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